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Project Overview

Ronald Spence of Keegans was appointed as Party Wall Surveyor for the Luxborough Street project; a new build development in Marylebone, providing 24 new affordable homes arranged over six stories, as well as a ground-floor community space. The new development addresses Westminster City Council’s need for affordable housing. The project is designed by our sister company, ECD Architects, with sustainability at its heart, incorporating features such as rainwater harvesting, green roofs, photovoltaic panels, and efficient lighting, supporting Westminster’s environmental goals.


Guided by principles of achieving near-zero carbon emissions, health and well-being, and fostering an inclusive community, Luxborough Street exemplifies a sustainable, community-focused urban development.


Roles and Responsibilities


As the Party Wall Surveyor, Ronald ensured compliance with the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, which grants rights to the Building Owner and the Adjoining Owners for work undertaken by the Building Owner within 3 and 6 metres of the Adjoining Owner’s property, at the boundary between properties and to the party wall separating two adjoining buildings. Our experienced Party Wall Surveyor, Ronald Spence’s responsibilities included:


• Serving Party Wall Notices: Ascertaining owners of the neighbouring property and notifying them of the intended works, in accordance with the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.

• Preparing Schedules of Condition: Documenting the condition of Adjoining Owners’ properties before work commenced to assist with resolving disputes about damage to the Adjoining Owners’ properties.

• Negotiating with Adjoining Owners: Engaging with the Party Wall Surveyors appointed by the Adjoining Owners to determine the contents of Party Wall Awards and matters of concern related to works described in the Party Wall Act.

• Preparing and Serving Party Wall Awards: Drafting legally binding agreements that outlined the rights and obligations of all parties involved.

• Conducting Inspections: Carrying out inspections to address issues arising during or post execution of the works detailed in the Party Wall Act.

Key Challenge

The new development abutted a block flats and therefore careful consideration was given to the methods used when excavating and casting foundations. Of particular concern was the impact noise and vibration would have on the Adjoining Owners, as well as the potential for damage to the Adjoining Owners’ properties due vibration and settlement.



Ronald’s involvement ensured the rights of Adjoining Owners was taken into consideration and that the Building Owner deployed Best Practicable Means when executing the work contained in the Party Wall etc Act.


The Luxborough Street project demonstrates Keegans’s capability in managing complex Party Wall matters in a densely populated urban environment in Central London.


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  • Location



  • Client / Building Owner

Lord Mayor and Citizens of the City of Westminster (Westminster City Council)


  • Legislation

Party Wall etc. Act 1996


  • Contract Type

Design & Build


  • Number of Homes



  • Project Value

£9 Million 


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