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Project Overview

Denning Point Tower is a 23-storey residential tower in Aldgate, Central London, owned and managed by EastEnd Homes (EeH). The building was originally constructed in the late 1960s and was re-clad with combustible ACM in 2014. Following the Grenfell disaster EeH undertook a risk assessment and subsequently placed a waking watch in the building until the cladding could be removed.


Project Appointment and Objectives

Keegans were appointed alongside our Architects, ECD to support EeH achieve the safe removal of the cladding and designing a safe alternative that complied with updated Building Regulations. In accordance with the recommendations of the Hackitt Review: “Building a Safer Future“ (May 2018) we sought to deliver a ‘Golden thread of information’ through the use of BIM (Building Information Management). This methodology is regarded as key to successful building management of HRRB’s (High Rise Residential Buildings) and as a BIM Level 2 certified practice, we have the skills necessary to deliver this. Denning Point therefore offers not only a template for the safe removal and replacement of combustible cladding but also best practices in the safe management of high-rise residential buildings.


Cladding Removal and Replacement

To ensure the swift and safe removal of the combustible cladding as quickly as possible (and thereby remove the waking watch and associated ongoing cost) we procured a cladding removal contractor and this work was completed in October 2019. At the same time, we designed a safe alternative cladding product to meet the A1 Fire classification and procured a contractor to deliver this starting on-site in February 2020. Whilst the existing cladding had to be removed, both the client and local planning officers were keen to ensure that its replacement closely resembled the current appearance. This led us to propose that the new cladding system should consist of solid aluminium cladding panels, mineral wool insulation, full-fill cavity barriers in horizontal positions and intumescent cavity barriers in vertical positions.


Architectural and BIM Services

Our Architect (ECD) provided a full Architectural service for RIBA Stages 1-7 based on traditional procurement (with CDP) alongside our Principal Designer and BIM services to ensure the delivery of an Asset Information Model. Delivering and recording the project through BIM was important for ensuring the project was delivered in line with the updated Fire Safety Standards. These require a digital record incorporating the product, system and information of all parties to be provided at handover, which in turn requires all parties to adopt a consistent approach within a collaborative environment.


Safety and Collaboration

Our Principal Designer worked with our designers, Fire Engineers and FRS to ensure a safe method of working could be deployed whilst the cladding was removed. We also worked collaboratively to ensure the challenging work of removing the combustible material from the private areas was done carefully and safely, whilst maintaining the safety of residents at all times, reducing the impact of temporary works.


Complex Façade and Coordination

The complex façade arrangement including the lower level offices and subterranean car parking required complex issues to be resolved with loadings for the access equipment requiring the PD to work with the appointed contractors to address the enabling works package which was retained in place from the 1st contract to the 2nd contract. Our PD ensured coordination between the two contractors to ensure that a safe system of work was in place and that all statutory requirements in relation to the temporary works were satisfied.

  • Client

EastEnd Homes


  • Services

Principal Designer


  • Brief

Recladding of a 23-storey residential block with non-combustible materials


  • Initiative

BIM Level 2 recladding project offering a ‘Golden Thread’ of information to the building owners


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AT Awards Winner! - Thornhill Primary School

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Bryan Simpson Joins the Institute of Fire Safety Managers

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