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Project Brief

Keegans was commissioned by the Church of England’s Pensions Board and the Net Zero Programme to conduct detailed retrofit surveys for a sample of their clergy housing, including 98 houses and a block of flats. The purpose of these surveys was to gather data, supporting the Church's net-zero carbon targets while enhancing energy efficiency for residents.


Scope of Retrofit Surveys

The project involved surveying properties across four administrative zones, each with a maximum radius of 30 miles, ensuring diverse representation. Each zone included 25 surveys, totalling 98 houses. Additionally, Keegans surveyed Ramsay Hall, a sheltered housing scheme located in Worthing, West Sussex, consisting of 10 double flats and 16 single flats built in 1998.


Survey Requirements

Keegans carried out “whole property” retrofit surveys. The surveys aimed to provide valuable insights into various property archetypes, informing the Church of England on the challenges and opportunities within their housing portfolio for achieving net-zero targets.


Description of Works

The surveys were conducted to help the Church of England identify improvements that could align with its net-zero ambitions and energy efficiency goals. Bespoke retrofit plans were created for each property, working closely with the Church of England to include only measures within their defined scope.


Significance Survey and Heritage Expertise

For properties located in conservation areas or those with listed status, Keegans undertook a detailed significance survey as part of the retrofit assessment. The significance survey enabled Keegans to develop tailored retrofit plans that respected their historical attributes, ensuring that any proposed improvements were sensitive to the heritage value of the properties.


This approach is vital for balancing the need for energy efficiency with the requirements of heritage preservation.


Findings and Next Steps

The findings revealed a mix of property archetypes, each presenting unique challenges. The assessments will guide the Church of England in planning the necessary works for their whole stock to achieve net-zero targets.


Key Project Staff

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  • Locations

Sheffield, Portsmouth, Exeter, Birmingham, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Worthing


  • Client

Church of England (Pensions Board and Net Zero Programme)


  • Sector



  • Services



  • Dates

Oct 2023 – Feb 2024

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Keegans Secures a place on Nottingham City Council's Energy Efficiency DPS

Discover how Keegans is supporting Nottingham City Council’s journey to net zero through expert retrofit services

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